Design automation: What is it and how is it used in tool design?

Computer-aided design softwares and automation have transformed product design, making it faster and more accurate than ever before for businesses and customers. 

Modern design automation is under constant demand to update and meet consumer needs, removing most of the manual work and resulting in efficient, remote solutions. This article provides an in-depth look at design automation, exploring how the two work together to form generative design, specifically in areas such as tool-making and manufacturing. 

Find out more about the process of tool design here.

What is design automation?

Design automation is a process that involves using software or computer programs to streamline and expedite the process of designing products, tools, or systems. It is a valuable method used in various industries, including tool design or mould making, as it offers several advantages such as efficiency, accuracy, and consistency.

The difference between design automation and CAD

Automation first came in the form of computer-aided design (CAD), a method of using software to help create, edit, test, or improve designs. However, CAD systems are still complex and demand specialist knowledge and skills to use effectively. In other words, they don’t provide a complete design automation solution as manual work is still required. 

Design automation represents further advancement in CAD, closing the gap between more traditional methods and the future of design.

How design automation is used in tool design

Automation, driven by cutting-edge software and technology, has become a huge influence for innovation and efficiency in the creation of tools and the design process. This process can streamline processes, enhance precision, and empower designers to craft tools that meet diverse and rigid requirements. Here are some of the key ways in which automation is used throughout the tool design industry.

Customisation: Design automation enables the rapid customisation of tools to allow engineers to input specific criteria or user requirements. This is particularly useful when designing tools for different industries or applications as each industry has different specifications.

Design optimisation: By performing optimisation tasks, designers can find the best design that meets their performance criteria while minimising their material usage or production costs. This can lead to more efficient and cost-effective results.

Time efficiency: With design automation, the process of making design changes, testing variations, and iterating through multiple design options becomes much faster. This accelerates the product development timeline and also allows for quicker responses.

Reduction of errors: Automation reduces the chances of human errors in the design process which not only reduces downtime but can also help with areas such as health and safety.

Documentation: These softwares typically include documentation and reports for each design file. This includes material lists, manufacturing instructions, and assembly guides.

Collaboration: Design automation facilitates collaboration among teams and stakeholders. Designers, engineers, and manufacturers can work together more effectively, as the software ensures everyone is working with the latest data.

Tool design by Pro Mouldds – toolmaking solutions across the UK

Pro-Moulds will work with you to make sure your initial tool design and thought process can come to life, creating both simple and detailed briefs to get the ball rolling! We work by your side through the whole toolmaking process, taking you from the initial phone call all the way to the final product.

Please contact us on 01623 904 417 to get your design journey started!